PHOTOMONTAGE Selected digital photomontages from the early 1990’s made primarily with Photoshop, Painter, and Live Picture. Photomontage 02Mellon Bramante detail-1500px-1500px 01Mellon Bramante full 300-1500px-1500px 03b06 daccagrippa small-1500px-1500px 06frisky-1500px-1500px 04stensis butts-1500px-1500px 07V&A flower 300dpi v03-1500px-1500px nukies2a monkeynude1-1500px Boticelli annun big-1500px cezanne mesa big-1500px Rocket Guts Janus Double skull xray base300dpi-1500px Mill gear plan 300dpi small-1500px Feline Warbird AntiAlias knife door final Glad he's dead-1500px I'm Glad he's-1500px baby gun final-1500px Venus Hardball